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Echoes of the Divine and Oopsy Daisy summaries

Echoes of the Divine


Echoes of the Divine rated 5.00/5 based on 7 reviews, Although babies are preverbal, they are perceptive and remember, even their time in the womb. Since infants come from God, they are more spiritual than adults ever imagined. Melanie offers insights through slice-of-life stories which will surprise you and make you laugh. Her writing is humourous and heartwarming, thoughtful and thought provoking with a current of spirituality running through it.

Oopsy Daisy[]


Oopsy Daisy. Life at the Juneau's farmhouse was often overwhelming with eleven personalities living, working and playing together. Luckily, Melanie had a wicked sense of humour and just enough grace to remain serene in the eye of the hurricane, the CEO of a chaotic domain. She has written hundreds of short stories, insights and articles which only could happen when you put nine kids together on a farm. 
